Tag: One-Session Scenario

Immersion amid a Sea of Confusion: A Review of The Secret of Chimneypots

The Secret of Chimneypots is a short scenario written for the glorious Casting the Runes roleplaying game (itself a derivation of the GUMSHOE ruleset modified to replicate the Edwardian ghost stories of M R James). Produced as an exclusive reward during the game’s crowdfunding campaign in 2020, the scenario is a self-contained mystery that can be easily run in a few hours.

Written by Christian Jensen Romer and released by The Design Mechanism, this publication is 30 pages all up and can accommodate a party of any size (although the author recommends up to 5 Investigators). Similar in design and layout to the core Casting the Runes rulebook (see here for my thoughts on that book) it has a very evocative cover drawn by Júlio Rocha, and a liberal sprinkling of period photos and line art throughout (including a very nice piece illustrating the adventure ‘McGuffin’ and some decent maps).

The adventure itself is set in the winter of 1900 and revolves around the strange events arising from the death of one Lionel Sharp, the owner of the small country holding called Chimneypots House. Drawn into this mystery, the Investigators will soon discover that the hauntings at the house are far darker and menacing than any simple ghost of the manor’s previous proprietor.

[Scenario] The Stench of an Open Grave – Updated to V1.1

Something rots in the heart of Somerset… and where old traditions met new, death is the only outcome…

The Stench of an Open Grave is a short adventure designed to introduce a small group of players to the atmosphere and intrigue of Cthulhu Dark Ages 3rd Edition for the first time. Ideal also for Keepers looking to run a dark – yet simple – mystery set in the early Middle Ages, it gives you everything you need (including three pregenerated characters – created specifically for the scenario) to bring this world – and its horrors – to life.

—- Buy this scenario on DriveThruRPG.com —-

Updated to version 1.1 November 2024 – 

With ‘Stench’ successfully reaching Copper status at DrivethruRPG, I thought it was high time that this scenario got a good edit and update. While none of the content has been altered for this version, the text has been tidied up in places and should have far fewer spelling and grammar errors (sorry about that!). I have also done a bit of tinkering with the fonts and styles to align the document with my next planned Cthulhu Dark Ages adventure set around Glastingberi Abbey (no date as yet for a release).

Should you buy this scenario?

This scenario was created with the express purpose of introducing new players to Cthulhu Dark Ages and as such presents what I hope is a simple, almost linear, mystery for them to explore. With this audience in mind, ‘Stench’ attempts to downplay the more fantastical elements that can sometimes seep into Dark Ages games and instead tries to bring to life the culture and experience of living in the Early Middle Ages. Of course, this may mean more experienced role-players (especially those well versed in the Dark Ages) might find the story a little too simplistic for their tastes, but nevertheless I would still like to think that you ‘hold in your hand’ a well thought out, fun scenario; one that can give a good night or two’s entertainment for any fan of the Cthulhu Mythos.

After much effort and time Stench of an Open Grave (for Cthulhu Dark Ages 3rd Edition) is now available up on Drive Thru RPG for sale (my first non ‘pay-what-you-want’ offering).

You can get it here for just $6.00 US. I’m hoping – if this sells well – it might break the shackles and motivate me to produce some of the myriad of other Call of Cthulhu scenarios (and campaigns) I have floating around on my various drives.

[Scenario] The Esoterrorists: A Night on the Town – Updated

With the creation of the GUMSHOE Community over on DrivethruRPG, I thought it was time that I updated and released my Esoterrorists 2nd Edition Demo scenario – A Night on the Town.

This is now available as a ‘Pay What You Want’ (nominally $2.00 US) over on DrivethruRPG – https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/429239/A-Night-on-the-Town–A-The-Esterrorists-Second-Edition-Demonstration-Scenario–Version-11

There isn’t too much substantively changed in this new version, barring a few spelling mistakes and a new ‘standard’ layout (oh, and a new much better looking cover!) and the original release will remain available here as an archive.

A Night on the Town has been written as a demonstration scenario for The Esoterrorists RPG. It arose after the author realised that the GUMSHOE system brought a specific set of expectations to the gaming table. These skills, while easy to learn, can be difficult to explain without examples, and are best demonstrated in play.

A Night on the Town is a quick, single session scenario (coming in at 18 pages) and provides three complete Ordos Veritatis’ operatives ready to roll into the action!

[Scenario] No Good Deed – Conspiracy X 2nd Edition

The development of this scenario has a long and (un)interesting story, with its genesis arising during a holiday break with my family and it being changed, chopped-up and rewritten numerous times in the years since. What you find below is the final version, one I feel brings the core elements of a story to life without belabouring the point – a demonstration of how even the most humanitarian of deeds comes with consequences in the setting like Conspiracy X.  Of course, while at its heart No Good Deed is a pretty simple and straightforward investigative adventure (the longest by word count – at 14,000 – that I’ve written for Conspiracy X) I just know that conspiracy-horror fans will get a kick out of playing it. I do hope you enjoy!

No Good Deed

NO GOOD DEED is an investigative scenario that will throw an unsuspecting AEGIS Cell into a race against time. From a seemingly straightforward police shooting through to experiments with Saurian DNA, as the old saying goes ‘no good deed ever goes unpunished’.

Designed to introduce new players to the world of Conspiracy X. It should take no more than a few hours to complete, but this could be extended by both the players actions and the Chronicler’s desire to explore some of the key plot points further.

A long time in the making, I need to thank the following for being my guinea-pigs… I mean playtesters… of this scenario as it went through its various iterations – Darryn Mercer, Mark Chiddicks, Julia Blackmore, Marcus Gustafson, Garth Allen, Dan Woodhouse, Angela Whiteman, Hamish Gaundan, and Roger Awhimate.

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