While Conspiracy X 1st Edition enjoyed a variety of official releases during its production run, many other publications slated for publication never saw the light of day1. Thankfully one fan (David Berco) persevered in his quest to uncover some of this long-lost material, and it is through his efforts we have gained permission to host these documents here.


UK-Conspiracy & Incar-Nation are free.
UK-Conspiracy & Incar-Nation are © Eden Studios.
The official Conspiracy X website is http://edenstudios.net/conspiracyx.html

We have been authorized to host UK-Conspiracy & Incar-Nation by Angus McNicholl and George Vasilakos as long as it remains free of charge, copyrights clearly identify Eden Studios as the owner of all Conspiracy X property and a link is included to the official Eden Studios website.



This file is an unofficial release of the UK-Conspiracy Sourcebook for Eden Studios’ Conspiracy X.

The long-awaited, unrealized supplement for Conspiracy X in the United Kingdom. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is an island group north of Continental Europe and throughout its chequered past, it has always been a land of storytellers and empire-builders, explorers and academics, soldiers and sailors. The islands are rich in history, with many diverse opportunities for adventure. From the cutting edge of new technology to delving through tunnel complexes beneath the streets of its towns and cities – Britain may be small in comparison to the United States but it is no less exciting a Conspiracy X setting.

UK-Conspiracy was written by Angus McNicholl, Duncan I MacLeod and Steven Ward



This file is an unofficial release of the Incar-Nation Sourcebook for Eden Studios’ Conspiracy X.

The supernatural in all its forms is powered by the energy field that researchers at CAPS refer to as the Seepage, it has other names as well each and every tradition of magic and some branches of science have a name for this mysterious concept. A mystic who can see these things can discern an aura about most people, a corona of energy seeping outwards from them in to the universe at large. Over the millennia of human evolution and development this external field of psychic energy has become many things, at first nothing more than what it was, it has been shaped and tempered by the beings that inadvertently produce it…

Incar-Nation was written by Angus McNicholl

  1. This is likely due to a variety of factors (as noted in our interview with Alex Jurkat), including budget, production focus and changes in company direction.