Author: Marcus Bone Page 1 of 9

[Opinion] Out of Time: Setting Con X in the 1990s

Having lived through two editions of Conspiracy X, I have some specific – not always logical – thoughts on how and when I like set my Con X scenarios. This opinion piece outlines my thoughts on setting Con X in the 1990s, the benefits of doing so and the challenges than come with trying to run a game in a decade which began over 30 years ago.

Note: This is planned to be the first of several articles on Conspiracy X, it’s background, mechanics and game play, that I hope to write. These will be collected here on as they are released.

– Download Out of Time: Setting Conspiracy X in the 1990s (PDF, 3 pages, 134kb)


Just a Little Knowledge: A Casting the Runes Scenario

A Casting the Runes Scenario written by Marcus D. Bone

Just a Little Knowledge is a scenario outline written to act as an introductory adventure for the Casting of the Runes roleplaying game. Designed to bring together a small group of investigators, it exposes them to the world of the supernatural and occult horror that lies hidden just beneath the surface of polite Edwardian society.

Set during the bleak autumn of 1908, the characters are about to be drawn into a mystery involving a book, a Cathedral and the sins of the church. Here they will uncover a secret buried for centuries that now released threatens dozens, if not hundreds, of innocent lives if not returned. So, are your Investigators brave enough to discover Just a Little Knowledge?

Inspired by the recent publication of Linden’s The Marshwood Vampire adventure and my own reviews of Casting the Runes publications, this scenario is hopefully the first of many for this great game I will release here.

– Download Just a Little Knowledge (PDF, 14 pages, 365KB)

Dark Aquarius: Call of Cthulhu 5e /Delta Green Scenario

A CALL OF CTHULHU (DELTA GREEN & PISCES) Scenario written by Linden Dunham

DARK AQUARIUS is a CALL OF CTHULHU (5th Edition) scenario (utilising the DELTA GREEN/PISCES setting) set in the UK during the long hot summer of 1976. The murder of a London art dealer leads the investigators to that hotspot of mythos activity, the Severn Valley. There they find themselves delving into a much older killing that connects to their case. With much of the evidence pointing towards Brichester Lake, a confrontation with the Great Old One Glaaki may well be on the cards.

NOTE: This scenario uses the Call of Cthulhu 5e mechanics (which can be easily adapted to either the Call of Cthulhu 7e or Delta Green ruleset with some minor changes).

Download Dark Aquarius: A CALL OF CTHULHU 5e/DELTA GREEN Scenario (PDF, 20 pages, 1.7MB)

Published by arrangement with the Delta Green Partnership. The intellectual property known as Delta Green is a trademark and copyright owned by the Delta Green Partnership, who has licensed its use here. The contents of this document are ©Linden Dunham, excepting those elements that are components of the Delta Green intellectual property.

Header Image by vector_corp on Freepik.


Hailing From Darkest Stars: A Coriolis Scenario

In Hailing from Darkest Stars the player characters are drawn into a mystery surrounding the disappearance of the Consortium scout ship Almuashir. Tasked by their Patron with discovering the fate of this ship, they will be informed that a single member of its crew has supposedly returned – unseen and unannounced – to Coriolis Station. Investigating this individual will lead the party across Coriolis, to places new and old, in a race to discover what they might know.

But the characters are not the only party wanting to find the lost ship and uncover its dark secrets. Within the Consortium powerful factions collide in what will become a deadly contest to secure an ancient artifact, the contents of which might spell doom for not only Coriolis Station but the entirety of the Third Horizon!

Hailing from the Darkest Stars looks to create its own distinct version of the Coriolis milieu, a darker, more threatening setting where the powers of the Dark Between the Stars are foremost in the setting, lurking just behind the otherwise normal trappings of polite society. In doing so, this scenario introduces a different type of Coriolis story, one that presents new challenges to the characters of this fantastic game setting.

Beware… as only great evil hails from darkest stars!

 – Hailing from Darkest Stars is available for US $5.00 via DrivethruRPG

For Whom The Bell Tolls: A Scenario Outline

Centuries have passed and yet still the traitors of an ancient King are forced replay their betrayal and death each Sunday evening. But will the death of their torturer bring an end to their suffering, or will lit lead to more death?

In For Whom the Bell Tolls, the characters’ Cabal is thrown into a mystery of forgotten rites, misguided desires, and a secret cult hellbent on dominating the Hidden World  for their own personal gain!

Written in a outline format, rather than a complete scenario, this adventure was originally written for a gaming convention that was cancelled due to a Covid lockdown, and has been reviewed and expanded here. Note that while it was designed for three specific pre-generated characters – a private detective (a Tough), a necromancer (a Magician) and a Determined, additional party members can be added with ease.

Rather it is an outline providing the main plot, core NPCs and the major events for a Game Master to create their own Liminal scenario based on the presented premise. Most of the ‘connective tissue’ required to turn this outline into a playable adventure is left to you, dear reader, to create.

– Download For Whom the Bell Tolls (PDF, 11 pages, 1.3MB) – 

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