The Esoterrorists Scenarios

Although a number of official  adventures are available through Pelgrane Press, The Esoterrorists has never been as well supported as some of the other GUMSHOE RPGs. To rectify this, and provide a few stepping stones for players and GMs new to the setting, the following are scenarios designed for new Ordos Veritatis operatives.


Operation Parcel Post

“Just a quick and dirty pick up they said… a cake walk, huh?
Well, we’ll just see about that shall we…”

OPERATION PARCEL POST is a quickstart scenario written for Pelgrane Press’ The ESOTERRORISTS Roleplaying Game. Complete with three pre-generated characters, this adventure is designed to be run as either a one-night sample session or as a pick-up game at a convention.

In this scenario, the are Operatives assigned to investigate a strange crate that has been stopped passing through Customs in a large, international airport near where they operate. Arriving amidst an influx of holiday session travellers, the party will discover that the package in question contains an artifact infused with an Outer Dark Entity (ODE). Of course, what starts as a nice and simple ‘locate and grab’ mission soon escalates into a bizarre game of cat and mouse as the ODE uses its influence and power to escape the airport and the perhaps our heroes!

Coming in at 31 pages (and including 3 pregenerated characters), it is now available over at DrivethruRPG for a very reasonable US$4 –


A Night on the Town

The Ordos Veritatis run an extensive network of spies and communication intercepts that works non-stop to identify potential Esoterrorist threats, and it is through their Electronic Traffic Sifting (or ETS) department, that the name of a prominent business man, Martin Whitestone, is noted as having a high circulation. While the connection between Whitestone and the various Esoterrorist organisations is unknown, the context of the intercepted messages seems to indicate that he is wanted man. As luck would have it, Martin, a known socialite, is hosting a very public party this very evening; both a boon and a hindrance to the operatives assigned the task of detaining him.

A Night on the Town is a short introduction to The Esoterrorists (2nd edition) roleplaying game and the GUMSHOE system. It has been written with an emphasis on

investigation and surveillance, and hopefully demonstrates the use of the core skills required in undertaking an Ordos Veritatis (OV) operation. The scenario accommodates any number of operatives with three included as sample characters (see the Sample Operatives section at the end of the adventure).

Why a new Version?

With the creation of the GUMSHOE Community over on DrivethruRPG, I thought it was time that I updated and released my Esoterrorists 2nd Edition Demo scenario – A Night on the Town.

This is now available as a ‘Pay What You Want’ (nominally $2.00 US) over on DrivethruRPG ––A-The-Esterrorists-Second-Edition-Demonstration-Scenario–Version-11

There isn’t too much substantively changed in this new version, barring a few spelling mistakes and a new ‘standard’ layout (oh, and a new much better looking cover!) and the original release will remain available here as an archive.

Original Version of A Night on the Town

I originally penned A Night on the Town way back in 2016, and made it available through this site. I’ve kept an archived version of this scenario here for archival reasons.

Download the 1.0 Version of this scenario – A Night on the Town – Version 1.0 – March 2016 (PDF, 17 pages, 290Kb)


Geist in the Shell – For 1st Edition

Geist in the Shell has been written as an introduction to a larger The Esoterrorists campaign; acting as a framework (or kicker) upon which Game Masters can build their
scenarios. While this was written for the 1st edition Esoterrorists ruleset, it can be easy adapted to the more recent 2nd edition with little need for change.

Karl Geist is dead. Although you wouldn’t have guessed it to look at him, Karl, a tall, lanky youth, barely out of his teens, knew more about the world of the Esoterrorist threat than even the most observant Ordos Veritatis operative could ever have imagined. And it was this knowledge that has seen him murdered. It is up to the OV operatives to find out just why Geist was killed and his brain removed. Of course, this mystery will lead the characters to discover so much more…

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