A Casting the Runes Scenario written by Marcus D. Bone

Just a Little Knowledge is a scenario outline written to act as an introductory adventure for the Casting of the Runes roleplaying game. Designed to bring together a small group of investigators, it exposes them to the world of the supernatural and occult horror that lies hidden just beneath the surface of polite Edwardian society.

Set during the bleak autumn of 1908, the characters are about to be drawn into a mystery involving a book, a Cathedral and the sins of the church. Here they will uncover a secret buried for centuries that now released threatens dozens, if not hundreds, of innocent lives if not returned. So, are your Investigators brave enough to discover Just a Little Knowledge?

Inspired by the recent publication of Linden’s The Marshwood Vampire adventure and my own reviews of Casting the Runes publications, this scenario is hopefully the first of many for this great game I will release here.

– Download Just a Little Knowledge (PDF, 14 pages, 365KB)