The Chime of Tezchaptl

A silver bell, engraved with unknown characters, this item was discovered in Lawrence Bacon's home. According to 'The Turner Codex' Tezchaptl's chime can absorb the energy from any magical ritual utilising song, music or performance and later release that energy at a time of the owner's choosing.

In Carcosa, Alexander Roby volunteered to use the Chime to disrupt the summoning of Hastur by Edwards through the agency of the play 'The King in Yellow'. After spending most of a day studying The Turner Codex, Roby left with the Chime, as the investigators went with Yolanda to find the exit from the city.

The screams of the Byakhee, the banishment of Carcosa and the appearance of the hideously reborn Edwards in Mullardoch House all point to the inevitable conclusion that Roby successfully used the Chime.