~~NOTOC~~ ====== Welcome to Tatters of the King ====== {{ ::tatters_of_the_king_campaign_cover.jpg?350|}}This wiki details the discoveries and trials of the [[Monday Night Players]] during their play through of //**Tatters of the King**//. [[https://www.chaosium.com/tatters-of-the-king-pdf/|Tatters of the King]] is a //Call of Cthulhu// campaign written by Tim Wiseman and published in 2005 by Chaosium. The events captured in this wiki cover the 16 and a half sessions spanning a period from May 8th 2006 and until October 2nd the same year. //**Please note that this Wiki is an actual play record originally created for the players, and as such contains numerous campaign spoilers!**// ===== Setting ===== //The game is initially set in// {{ :guide-london-environs-muirhead-1922.pdf |London}}, [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1928|1928]]. //It is the start of a bitterly cold winter, the worst in decades.// //London is the capital of an empire covering a quarter of the globe and governing one quarter of the human race. The people busy themselves with concerns of politics and government, finance and production, work and recreation. How fragile things are. What ignorance there is.// //There are those who engage in different pursuits - those who would see an inhuman power come to Earth such that it would make mundane activity seem like a last twitch before dying...// ===== Cast of Characters ===== {{ :the_party.jpg?300|}}Tatters of the King is full of interesting and diverse characters, none more so than the [[Player Characters]] themselves! The Keeper of Arcane Lore for this campaign was [[Mark Chiddicks]], and he was joined by four courageous players and their not so fortunate Investigators: * [[Nathaniel Browne]] - A failed writer, looking for his big story (as played by [[Darryn Mercer]]). * [[Andrew Saunders]] - British Museum curator and proud Scot (as played by [[Julia Blackmore]]). * [[Captain George Withers]] - Officer of the Coldstream Guards and career soldier (as played by [[Nicola Bishop]]). * [[Doctor Frederick Bartlett]] - Eminent research psychologist & [['Umberto']] - Mysterious former Vatican investigator (both played by [[Marcus Gustafsson]]). ===== The Journey Unfolds ===== During this epic story of madness and insanity the characters discovered many stalwart allies, mind bending documents, vicious enemies and unique locations. * [[Notable Non-Player Characters]] * [[Literary Works]] * [[Locations, Dire and Quaint]] ===== Sessions ===== {{ :carcosa-playbill.png?300|}}The Monday Night Players' run through of Tatters of the King was completed over 16 fun and exciting gaming sessions. As each lasted anywhere between and hour and a half and three hours, the campaign took over 30 hours of game time to finish. * [[Session 1 - Opening Night]] * [[Session 1.5 - The Madman]] * [[Session 2 - The Plot Thickens]] * [[Session 3 - Alexander's Friends]] * [[Session 4 - Teeth of Winter]] * [[Session 5 - Four Go Mad in London]] * [[Session 6 - Death by Night, Death by Day]] * [[Session 7 - Missing Persons]] * [[Session 8 - To Walk Upon the Earth in Carcosa]] * [[Session 9 - Aftermath - A Year in the Lives...]] * [[Session 10 - Nug's Farm, or Are You Local|Session 10 - Nug's Farm, or "Are You Local?"]] * [[Session 11 - Il Fratelli di Signo Giallo]] * [[Session 12 - The Viceroy of India, or "May I Have This Dance"|Session 12 - The Viceroy of India, or "May I Have This Dance?"]] * [[Session 13 - A Matter of Honour]] * [[Session 14 - The Trail of the Pilgrims]] * [[Session 15 - Drakmar and Beyond]] * [[Session 16 - The King Steps Down]] * [[Aftermath - Forever Wondering]]